Hi, I’m Andrew and welcome to Frugalmatic. This site is about maximizing the value of everyday products and activities by taking advantage of their indirect benefits.
A classic example of being frugalmatic is biking to work. If you bike to your work, you probably put a high value on your bike. Your bike becomes even more valuable if it allows you to replace a vehicle, which can cost thousands of dollars over its lifespan. Exercise is another great indirect benefit from biking to work, arguably a priceless benefit. Unless an activity or product offers indirect benefits, it cannot achieve frugalmatic status.
Admittedly, it’s a subjective pursuit. There’s no right answer to determining whether a product used in a certain way is frugalmatic. It’s a matter of opinion, and you’ll find plenty of opinion in my blog posts.
On this site, I’ll share my thoughts on how you can save money and use your time to enhance your physical and mental well-being. As a longtime journalist, I’m an observer. I’m a generalist. I’m a skeptic, too. I question the need for the latest and greatest gadgets if their main purpose is to have you move less and sit more. Products that promote a sedentary lifestyle trigger red flags here. (My personal claim to fame is having never owned a smartphone. Yes, I still cling to a dumb phone.)
I live in the Midwest with my wife and two children. Many blog posts relate to family life and are geared toward families interested in being frugalmatic. As much as I enjoy sharing my opinions, I also enjoy hearing from others. If you’re visiting this site, you probably have that frugalmatic knack about you. Please share your comments and ideas, and remember to become a subscriber to receive monthly updates about frugalmatic living. Make sure to visit my Let’s Move page to get your 15-page PDF, 101 Ways to Move More and Sit Less.